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High Ability

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The Indiana Department of Education requires school districts to identify high ability students in grades K-12 and provide them with appropriately differentiated curriculum and instruction. The state defines a high ability (gifted) student as on who “performs at, or shows the potentials for performing at, and outstanding level of accomplishment in at least one domain when compared to other students of the same age, experience, or environment and is characterized by exceptional gifts, talents, motivation, or interests. The state defines students who have the characteristics of gifted students with the potential for high achievement and give evidence of one or more disabilities as Twice-Exceptional. We identify students as high ability in one of the following areas: General Intellectual, Math only or Language Arts only. 

Identification Process

ELEMENTARY IDENTIFICATION PROCESS (GRADES K-6)                                                                                

MSD of North Posey County Elementary Schools coordinate together to consistently identify high ability students by using a variety of assessments at each grade level. All students in grades kindergarten through grade six are screened using iReady. The Cogat Screener is administered in grades K, 2, and 5. The Cogat Full Battery is administered to students flagged from the screener. ILEARN performance is used as additional identification assessments in grades 3-6. Scales for Identifying Gifted Students (SIGS) is used as a qualitative measure for students flagged in quantitative screeners. Teacher recommendations are also considered in the identification process.


North Posey Junior High School identifies students by administering the Cogat Screener to all 7th grade students then the full battery to flagged students.  Teacher recommendation, current core curricular grades, ILEARN scores, and IReady results are also used in identification. 


North Posey High School students are identified as high ability by looking at the student’s history of identification throughout our district, or prior district, with an emphasis on communication and criteria from the junior high school. Data points such as ILEARN scores, PSAT/SAT, ACT and teacher recommendations are utilized as tools to continually identify and guide students in the appropriate course sequence at the high school level. A primary focus for high ability students is placed on Advanced Placement and dual credit opportunities. Students are allowed to pursue individual interest in curricular areas that meet the needs of each student. For example, students may take honors courses in one discipline without completing honors courses in other disciplines. 

Appeal/Exit Procedures


A formal appeals process is available for parents. Parents should complete the High Ability Program Identification Appeals Form to start the process. 
Appeals Form


If a student, parent, or teacher believes a high ability placement for services is no longer appropriate, he/she may initiate Exit Procedures. 

A committee made up of the parent, teacher, school administrator/counselor, and High Ability Coordinator will meet to establish a Student Improvement Plan. 

The goal of the Student Improvement Plan is to set forth interventions which will assist the student in being successful in the high ability placement. Improvement steps will be identified and a timeline of one grading period (nine weeks) will be set for completion. At the conclusion of the probationary period, the committee will reconvene to determine the success of the plan. If the student shows progress with the Improvement Plan, additional supports can be added if necessary to continue the placement. If the interventions have not assisted the student in being successful, then the student may be exited from the program.
Exit Procedure Form

MSD of North Posey High Ability Plan