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Office Staff

NPHS Office

Name Position Phone
Bretz, Robin Guidance Counselor 812-673-4242
Duvall, Amy Assistant Principal 812-673-4242
Eagan, Shelly High School Secretary 812-673-4242 (select option 7)
Fisher, Sean Principal 812-673-4242
Lingafelter, Lori Attendance Secretary 812-985-8238
Newman-Smith, Stacy Director of Food Services 812-673-4242 (select option 5)
Parrish, Michele Guidance Counselor 812-673-4242
Price, Carolyn ECA Treasurer 812-673-4242 (select option 6)
Rose, Allison Ivy Tech College Connection Coach 812-673-4242
Schenk, Waylon Athletic Director 812-673-6612
Williams, Rob Athletic Trainer 8126734242