Oakley, Amber
1st Grade Teacher
- 63 W. Fletchall Ave. Poseyville IN 47633
- 812-874-2710
- http://www.northposey.k12.in.us
Other information
Virtual Learning Information:
Contact Method: cell phone (call or text)
*This has been provided to my students in the newsletter and the Virtual Learning folder that went home.
Office Hours: 9am - 1pm
Please follow the instructions inside the folder that was sent home.
All of my students will complete a paper packet with the option of substituting an internet based activity for part of the assignment.
Contact Method: cell phone (call or text)
*This has been provided to my students in the newsletter and the Virtual Learning folder that went home.
Office Hours: 9am - 1pm
Please follow the instructions inside the folder that was sent home.
All of my students will complete a paper packet with the option of substituting an internet based activity for part of the assignment.